Ken's Puzzle of the Week

Crossing a River

A river runs East to West and is 30 feet wide.  In the river are six posts, three in an East-West line, 10 feet from the southern shore, and three in an East-West line, 10 feet from the northern shore.  The posts are 10 feet apart.  10-foot planks can be attached between the posts, or between a post and the shore.  With enough planks there are various ways to create a bridge from North to South.

The posts are only 1 foot above the river.  A person in a raft wishing to travel from East to West will be blocked by any planks.  If the planks create a complete bridge, there is no route for the raft.

Which is larger: the number of different routes for a walker from North to South, or the number of different routes for a raft from East to West? How many different routes for each are there?

Source: Past puzzle experience.
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