Ken's Puzzle of the Week

Which coins?

I have 19 coins in my pocket which total $1.00.  You have 15 coins in yours that also total $1.00.  Yet you have more nickels, dimes and quarters than I do.  What coins do each of us have?  (Two different solutions.  All coins are pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters or half-dollars.)

Source: Reader Alex Doskey.

Solutions were received from <To be Filled in Later - Remind me if I forget - KD.>.
The two solutions are:
               pennies    nickels      dimes        quarters           half-dollars
I                   15             2             0                1                       1
You               5              7             1                2                       0
I                    10            8             0                 0                       1          
You                0            13            1                 1                       0 


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