From each league, 2 teams will qualify to play in the next round, based on the p oints in their group. A team is said to qualify "directly", if it has the highest or the second highes t points in the league. If there is a tie for the highest points between 2 teams, both will qualify "dir ectly". In all other cases , other complex factors like goals scored for, goals scored a gainst, etc. are considered, so that qualification is not "direct".
Suppose the initial Points Table looks like:
Team No. of Games Played Won Draw Loss Points A - - - - - B - - - - - C - - - - - D - - - - -What is the probability that
Source: Reader Sudipta Das
There are 6 games. Each can be a win, a loss, or a tie. This yields 3^6 or 729 possible outcomes. If each outcome is equally likely, then they break down as follows: no direct qualifiers: 27/729 = 3.7% =3.7 % single qualifier: 4*45/729 = 4*6.2% =24.7 % two qualifiers: 6*87/729 = 6*11.9% =71.6 % For one team: sole qualifier 45 cases (6.2 %) dual qualifier 3*87 = 261 cases (35.8 %) total: (45+261)/729 = 306/729 = 42 % For two specific teams: see above: 87/729 = 11.9 %