A Bet on a Card Deck

I'll offer you a bet.  Each of us shuffles a deck of cards.  Then we each simultaneously turn over our cards one at a time.  Whenever the two cards match, you give me a dollar.  If we get through the entire deck without any matches, I give you three dollars.  We'll do this several times (consider an endless series of games.)

Would you take the bet?  What's the break-even value of a non-matching deck to make it worthwhile?

You can test this with a single deck of cards by shuffling and dealing against a predefined order, such as Ace-King in each suit.

Source: Original.

Solutions were received from Kirk Bresniker and Claudio Baiocchi.  Both ran computer simulations which showed that $3 is too generous.  For example, Kirk's summary of 100K games is below.
#     Amt
36583 -3
36959  1
18397  2
 6178  3
 1509  4
  324  5
   45  6
    5  7

-9501 from me to you

So in this case, I'd be making 9.5 cents per game.

The expected number of matching cards is 1;  that is, for N games, you would expect to see N matching cards.  Even in the simulation of 100000 games above, the number of matching cards is 100248.  Do this with an actual deck a few times; it's an interesting phenomenon.  I had expected this meant you'd be paying out $N, and that would offset any non-matching payouts.  But I didn't account for the frequency of a non-matching deck showing up.

Update 12/21/2006.  Alan O'Donnell found a simple analysis for this:

Probability of a match on each card turn is 1/52, so an average return 
of $1/52. Therefore, with 52 card turns in a game, the average return on 
the whole pack is $1!

The probability of no matches is (51/52)^52 = 0.36431352
So the average payout over infinite games is $3 x above = $1.09294056

For the average payout to equal the average return (ie $1), the price of 
the game should be $1/0.36431352 = $2.74488852.


Update 2/5/2007.  Dan Chirica thought Alan's analysis might be a little off and found a different relationship by letting a computer program find the total number of matches for 52 cards and adding them up, and dividing that into the number of non-matching games. He ended up with the price being closer to $2.71828

the case with 52. numbers are big, i used floating point, not integers.
first with 0      2.9672484407795135E67
nr with 1 matches 2.9672484407795135E67
nr with 2 matches 1.4836242203897568E67
nr with 3 matches 4.945414067965856E66
nr with 4 matches 1.236353516991464E66
nr with 5 matches 2.4727070339829286E65
nr with 6 matches 4.1211783899715476E64
nr with 7 matches 5.887397699959354E63

nr with 48 matches 2436525.0
nr with 49 matches 44200.0
nr with 50 matches 1326.0
nr with 51 matches 0.0
nr with 52 matches 1.0
although i summed all products,with floating point, the lowers doesn't matter in sum, they are small in comparisons with the uppers ones.
so for the sum from l =1 to 52, of the product l * Number
Total   8.065817517094385E67    the sum from 1 to 52 multiplied by l (offering)
pval    2.9672484407795135E67   number of losings (just the first, the 0th )
rap     2.7182818284590446      rapport of them

Mail to Ken