Ken's Puzzle of the Week

A Hidden Hexagon

In the figure, triangles ABC, DEF, and GHJ are congruent isosceles triangles.  Angles B and C are 80 degrees.  Points AEFC, EHJD, DFB, and GHF are collinear.  Without drawing a circle, show how to mark the corners of a perfect hexagon on the diagram, using only a compass set to a constant length.  Prove it's a perfect hexagon.

Source: Original.

Solutions were received from Dan Chirica, Philippe Fondanaiche, Radu Ionescu, Earl Gose, Denis Borris, Joseph DeVincentis, Jeremy Barrett, Alan O'Donnell, Adrian Atanasiu, and Jaques Malan.

This is my solution.  Using the figure above.  Angle BFC=EFD=80°. CBF is isosceles. Angle CBF is 20°. Angle ABF is 60°.  With BK=BF, BFK is equilateral. Angle AFK is 40°. Similarly, FEH is isosceles and angle EFH is 20°. Angle KFH is 60°, and KFH is equilateral. Angle AKH is 60°. With KL=KH, KLH is equilateral. Angle HFD is 60°. With FM=FH, HFM is equilateral. Angle MHD is 40°. With HN=HJ, NHJ is isosceles. Angle NHJ is 20°, and MHN is equilateral. Angle NHG is 60°. With HO=HN, NHO is equilateral. We've shown five neighboring equilateral triangles, so angle LHO is 60° and LHO is equilateral. Six equilateral triangles make a perfect hexagon.

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