Ken's POTW

Points and Lines
These puzzles range from the annoyingly simple to a bit frustrating, but I felt they should be grouped together.
  1. Place 12 trees in 6 rows, with 4 in each row.
  2. Place 10 trees in 5 rows, with 4 in each row.
  3. Place 9 trees in 10 rows, with 3 in each row.
  4. Place 4 trees in 6 rows, with 2 in each row.
  5. Place 9 points in a 3x3 grid. Connect all of them with four straight lines without lifting your pen.
  6. Place 16 points in a 4x4 grid. Connect all of them with six straight lines without lifting your pen and ending where you began.
If possible, send small pictures (ASCII, jpg, gif) of your solutions for me to use. Otherwise, a text description will suffice. If you have related puzzles to add to this list, please send them, and I'll add them to the solution page.

Source: Many sources.

Solution received from Wilfred Theunissen: Dear Ken,
As you requested i'll send a few images for the solution of the trees and lines. I hope the quality is good enough for you to use it at your solution pages.
1. placing 12 trees in 6 rows with 4 in each row : 

2. placing 10 trees in 5 rows with 4 trees in each row : 

Another solution to the 10 tree in 5 rows problem is a star :  but according to my taste it is a bit ocult like..;)
3. Placing 9 trees in 10 rows with 3 trees in each row : 

4. Placing 4 trees in 6 rows with 2 trees in each row : 

5. Placing 9 points in a 3*3 grid. Connecting them all with 4 straight lines without lifting your pen.

6. Placing 16 points in and 4*4 grid. Connecting them all with 6 straight lines without lifting your pen.In this solution the dot-marked point is the starting point from that point the first line drawn is down. Follow the arrows...

Another solution that hits each point only once:

We haven't tried too lookup other versions of this type of puzzles but are convinced there must be Millions of the same sort..

These solutions were provided by Leendert Biemans and Wilfred Theunissen.;)

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