Ken's POTW

More Money
  1. A poor college student was quite frugal and sent the following telegram to his parents. How much MONEY did he want?


  2. A friend of the above student liked the idea, but wanted a little more, so sent a similar telegram. She knew her parents would send the smallest amount possible. How much MONEY did she want?


In each problem, assume each letter stands for a single digit 0-9. Although a computer can solve these easily, I'm looking for logical solutions.

Source: Many sources.

Solution sent by David Berthold:

Hi Ken, 
    Here is the solution to the current problem. 
             Thanks again for the page, 
                               David Berthold 


Assuming M is not a leading zero, M<>0.
The thousand's digit sum must generate a carry.
Since the carry cannot be >1 then M=1.
S+M+[0,1]=10+O; S=[8,9]+O;
Since S<=9 then O=0or1; So O=0.
Then S=[8,9]
For E+O+[0,1] to yield N then the ten's digit sum generates a carry.
Therefore E+1=N+[0,10] yields E+1=N or E=N+9.
Since E=N+9 only allows N=0 then E+1=N and the hundreds generate no carry.
S+1+carry=10; Therefore S=9.
N+R+[0,1]=10+E and substituting E+1=N yields R+[0,1]=9;
So R=8 and the one's digit must have a carry.
So D+E=10+Y; substituting E+1=N again yields D+N=Y+11.
The maximum D+N is now 6+7 therefore Y<=2;  So Y=2.
So D+N=6+7
N=E+1;  If N=7 then D and E both must be 6, so N=6.
So E=5 and D=7.
That leaves only one solution!
Check:   9567
(by the way if m=0 there are 24 other solutions)
Assuming M is not a leading zero, M<>0.
The thousand's digit sum must generate a carry of 1 or 2.
S+M+G could be as high as 9+2+8=19+[1,2]=[20,21]
That would make O=[0,1]
If O=[0,1] then the maximum hundred's digit carry is 1.
Then S+M+G+1 is a maximum of 20.
Then O=0.  If O=0 then hundred's carry is 0.
Therefore the thousand's carry is a maximum of 1 and M=1.
Since her parents assume the minimum, choose S+G=9.
Then the hundred's carry is 0 and O=0.
There must be a ten's digit carry so E+[1,2]=N
Again, to minimize choose the ten's carry=1;  So E+1=N
To minimize, choose the one's carry=0.
Then N+R+L=E+10
Substituting N=E+1 yields R+L=9
And Y=2D+E
  Y     D  E
  -     -  -
  9     2  5
  8     2  4
  8     3  2
  7     2  3
Remember that S+G=[2+7,3+6,4+5]
All combinations of D and E above eliminate two of these pairs.
Therefore R+L and S+G cannot both be equal to 9.
So the ten's carry is not 0.
So the minimum ten's carry must be 1.
To minimize, choose the one's carry=1.
Then N+R+L+1=E+10
Substituting N=E+1 yields R+L=8
Remember that S+G=[2+7,3+6,4+5]
And R+L=[2+6,3+5]
This leaves the following choices:
  S+G   R+L
  ---   ---
  2+7   3+5
  3+6   none
  4+5   2+6
Either way 2 and 5 must be used in the combination.
And 2D+E=Y+10 yields the following possibilities:
  E  D     Y
  -  -     -
  2  6     4   Not since 2 is used
  2  7     6   Not since 2 is used
  3  6     5   Not since 5 is used
  3  8     9   =

  4  7     8
  5  4     3   Not since 5 is used
  5  6     7   Not since N=E+1
  5  7     9   Not since 5 is used
  6  3     2   Not since 2 is used
  7  4     5   Not since 5 is used
  7  6     9
  8  3     4
  8  4     6
  9  2     3   Not since 2 is used
  9  3     5   Not since 5 is used
  9  4     7   Not since N=E+1
That leaves the following:
  E  D  N     Y
  -  -  -     -
  3  8  4     9  No combination left for S+G and R+L =

  4  7  5     8  No combination left for S+G and R+L
  7  6  8     9  No combination left for S+G and R+L
  8  3  9     4  No combination left for S+G and R+L
  8  4  9     6
So E=8, N=9, D=4, and Y=6
That eliminates S+G=4+5 and R+L=2+6.
So  S+G=2+7 (in either order)
And R+L=3+5 (in either order)
That leaves 4 solutions but the MONEY remains the same.
   2894    2894    7894    7894
  +1038   +1058   +1038   +1058
  +7054   +7034   +2054   +2034
  -----   -----   -----   -----
  10986   10986   10986   10986
(The possible sums are 10986, 13580, 15326, 15762, 16740, 17508)
(by the way if m=1 there are 28 solutions)
(and if m=0 there are 20 other solutions)
So the second student asked for at least 10986-10652 = $334 more!

Solution sent by Philippe Fondanaiche Paris, France:

  We can check easily that M,O and S take only the respective values 1,0 and
9, so we have to solve 9END + 10RE = 10NEY with N = E+1
  Two cases:
   1) D+E=Y 
    then N+R=10+E => R=9 impossible
   2) D+E=Y+10
    then N+R+1=10+E => R=8
    the sole possible couple (D,Y) is 7,2
    hence the solution is 9567 + 1085 = 10652


 We have again one possible value for M, i.e. M=1
 With the equation 2D+E=Y or 2D+E=Y+10 or 2D+E=Y+20,we can identify 42
possible set of 3 elements (D,E,Y) and for each of them,we have to solve the
following equations:
       N+R+L+(0 or 1 or 2) = E+(0 or 1 or 2)
       2O+E +(0 or 1 or 2) = N+(0 or 1 or 2)
       S+G = O+(7 or 8 or 9)

 Without computer but with a lot of patience, we determine 3 families od

  1) 7894 + 1058 + 2034 = 10986 S and G can be permuted, R and L too 
  2) 6054 + 1720 + 9734 = 17508 same conditions as above on S&G,R&L
  3) 9876 + 1458 + 3426 = 14760 same conditions as above on S&G,R&L

Globally there are 12 different solutions.

Mail to Ken