Ten Pentominos in Two Squares

 _ _ _ _ _
 _ _ _ _ _
  1. There are 12 different Pentominos. Choose ten different pentominos and fit them into two 5x5 squares. Feel free to copy the text diagram to submit your solutions.
  2. There will be two pieces remaining. Is there a way to solve problem 1 using those two pieces (leaving out two other pieces)?

Source: Original.

Solutions were received from several people. Nick Baxter and Becky Fabie-Albert sent identical solutions:
1. Leaving out the W and Z pentominos:
  _ _ _ _ _       _ _ _ _ _ 
 |  _  |   |     | | |_ _  |
 |_| |_|_  |     | |  _| | |
 |_   _| |_|     | | | | |_|
 | |_|_ _  |     | |_| |_  |
 |_ _ _ _|_|     |_|_ _ _|_|

Note that the first of these is one of only two ways to
include the X pentomino (flip P and replace F with T
for the other).

2. Now using W and Z, leaving out X and N:
  _ _ _ _ _       _ _ _ _ _ 
 |_   _ _| |     |  _ _|  _|
 | |_|  _ _|     | | |  _| |
 | | |_|_  |     |_| |_|   |
 | |_   _| |     |_ _ _|_ _|
 |_ _|_|_ _|     |_ _ _ _ _|

Mail to Ken