1998, Part 2

This is the continuation of the submitted puzzles supplied by Philippe Fondanaiche (Paris, France). Feel free to send partial solutions.
  1. Many centuries ago, 6 thieves were arrested, among them the son of the King. Each of them was assigned a number (from 1 to 6). The King annouced to the ringleader that he intended to take clement measures: "Tomorrow morning, the 6 thieves will be transfered to the jailyard and placed in a circle. I will free my son who has the digit 2. Then I'll count clockwise a number of places equal to this digit and I'll free the man pointed out. I'll count again clockwise the number of positions mentioned by the new man's number. And so on... If I arrive at the place of a man already freed, all the remaining thieves will be put to death." The ringleader gave the problem a great deal of thought. The next morning, all the thieves escaped with their life. What was the layout imagined by the ringleader? What should be the layout to release all the thieves if their number is respectively 7,8,9,10,.......,1998?

  2. Is there an integer N such that 1998*N = 22222.......22222 (only the digit 2 in the expression of this number)? If so, how many digits are in N?

  3. A pocket calculator is broken. It is only possible to use the function keys: + , - , =, 1/x(inverse function). All number keys and the memory funtion work. How can we calculate the product 37 * 54? (The result is obviously 1998.)

  4. What are the terms following the first terms of these sequences?
    1. 11111001110, 2202000, 133032, 30443, 13130, .....
    2. 238, 918, 1998, 3478,......
    3. 24, 70, 118, 258, 494,......

  5. What are the integer sides of the triangle such that the perimeter and the area are multiples of 1998, and the area is minimum?

  6. Let's consider 2 circles of radius 1, the first one (C1) is tangent to the the x-axis at the origin and the coordinates of its center are (0,1); and the second one (C2) is tangent to C1 and to the x-axis, and the coordinates of its center are (2,1). We build C3 tangent to C1, C2 and the x-axis; then C4 tangent to C2, C3 and the x-axis; .....then Cn tangent to Cn-2,Cn-1 and the x-axis. What is the abscissa of the center of C1998?

Sources: Pierre Tougne (Pour la Science) (puzzles 1,2,3,8,13), Philippe Fondanaiche (puzzles 4,5,11,12), or derived of many collections of mathematical puzzles

Solutions: More work is needed on 8.
  1. Robert McQuaid says: When the number of thieves is odd, there is no solution. For n even, I worked out the cases for n=6 and n=8.
    6 thieves: 2 3 5 6 1 4
    8 thieves: 2 6 1 3 8 4 7 5

    Scott Purdy (spurdy@cogent.net) sends the following: If you start with thief 1 or thief N-1 for an even N, there is a general arrangement which always works.
    1, N-2, N-4, ..., 2, N, N-1, N-3, ..., 3
    and its converse
    N-1, N-3, ..., 1, N, N-2, ..., 2
    I don't think a generalizable pattern exists for beginning with thief 2.

    [Does anyone else have a comment?]

  2. Robert T. McQuaid says N has 24 digits. The factorization is:
    222222222222222222222222222 = 1998 x 111222333444555666777889

  3. Birdsinger@aol.com suggests: For any positive integers X and Y, won't this work?
    First, find P = X*Y / (X + Y) = 1 / ( (1/X) + (1/Y) )
    Then using Memory, sum P X+Y times.

  4. Robert McQuaid says:
    What are the terms following the first terms of these sequences? 
          1.  11111001110, 2202000, 133032, 30443, 13130, ..... 
          2.  238, 918, 1998, 3478,...... 
          3.  24, 70, 118, 258, 494,...... 
    1. 5553 3716 2660 1998
      All represent 1998 in ascending bases starting from 2.
    2. 5358 7638
             Sequence is  2.07.17
    3. 1010 1998
      Rule is n*2+22 alternating with n*2-22.

  5. Enrico.Righes@stud.uni-hannover.de says:
    a = 135
    b = 888
    c = 975
    A = 47952 = 24*1998
    P = 1998
    But I haven't found a proof yet, why this must be the minimum...
    Update September 9, 2008: Bojan Basic sent this proof of minimality.

    In the first place, we are going to prove the following assertion: of all integer-sided triangles with sides a <= b <= c, where c is fixed, the  triangle with the smallest area is the one with a = 1, b = c, whose area is sqrt(4c^2 - 1)/4. Obviously, if we let a = x, in order to minimize the area of the formed triangle we must choose b as small as possible while keeping the triangle inequality, what gives b = c + 1 - x. If we now consider the area (given by Heron's formula) as a function of x, we could analyze that function by taking the first derivative—furthermore, since we are only interested in the monotonicity, it would be convenient to take a logarithm first (in order to simplify the calculations). The area is sqrt((1 + 2c)*(1 + 2c - 2x)*(2x - 1))/4, its logarithm is ln(1 + 2c)/2 + ln(1 + 2c - 2x)/2 + ln(2x - 1)/2 + ln(1/4), and its first derivative (with respect to x, of course) is 2*(1 + c - 2x)/((1 + 2c - 2x)*(2x - 1)). Now, since a is the smallest side and b = c + 1 - x, it must hold 1 <= x <= (c + 1)/2. It is obvious that for these values of x the first derivative is nonnegative; therefore, the area function is increasing, and its minimum is achieved for the smallest value of x, which is x = 1. The area is now easily calculated, and the assertion is proven.

    Suppose now that the perimeter of the triangle that we are searching for is greater than or equal to 145*1998. Now, c >= (145*1998)/3 = 145*666, and its area is, by the assertion above, at least sqrt(4*(145*666)^2 - 1)/4 = sqrt(37,303,059,599)/4 > 24*1998, what is worse than the result we already have. Therefore, in order to find the triangle satisfying the given conditions with minimum area, it is enough to consider perimeters up to 144*1998. The established bound allows computer search. The following pseudocode finishes within a few hours:

    for um = 1 to 144
      for a = 1 to 666*um
        for b = 999*um - a to (1998*um - a)/2
          c = 1998*um - b - a;
          if (area(a,b,c) is positive integer) and (1998 | area(a,b,c))
             then print(a,b,c

    It shows that there is no solution with area less than 24*1998, and furthermore, that the solution (135, 888, 975), with perimeter 1998 and area 24*1998, is unique.

  6. From Dave Peck: http://glitterboy6.tripod.com/ken_d/solution.htm

    From Paul Botham 4/24/03:
    NOTATION: X1 is x coord of centre of circle 1, R1 its radius etc.
    Consider geometry of circles C3,C4,C5 for example

    X5=X4-2SQRT(R4*R5) etc.


    Thus, R and X values of circle I are defined by
    R and X values of circles (I-1) and (I-2)

    Iterating from initial values X1=1,X2=3,R1=R2=1
    required abscissa X1998 = 1.236067...

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