Mirror Multiples

Find a positive integer which has its own mirror image as a multiple (greater than 1.) That is, the same digits appear in reverse order, as with "321" and "123".


  1. Find the smallest such integer.
  2. Can such an integer be found for multiples 2 thru 9?
  3. Does such an integer exist for any number of digits in the integer? Find examples for different numbers of digits.

Source: Original.

Solutions were received from Larry Baum, Joseph DeVincentis, Jason Chiu, Philippe Fondanaiche, and Radu Ionescu.

Above all, Philippe gets high marks for the briefest solution: "I've already solved this for your previous Reversed Products puzzle." (Radu is also listed there as a solver.) My apologies for reusing a puzzle - I didn't even realize I was doing it! - KD.

A good new solution was received from Larry Baum:

1) 1089 (9801/1089 = 9)

2) No, only for 4 or 9

Let i = x....y be the integer of interest (x is leading digit and y is
unit digit) and d be the integer multiple we are trying to achieve; i.e.
d*i = reverse i.

We must have:
a) d*y = x mod 10
b) d*x < 10
c) x > 0 (i.e the reverse of 123 is NOT 3210 or 32100)

b) => if d > 4, x must be 1 => (by a) d is odd

If d = 5, c => y is odd => x = 5 but that violates b)
If d = 7, a => y = 3, i = 1abc3.  But 7*1abc3 > 70000 so cannot be 3cba1

If d = 2, x is even < 5, i.e. x = 2 or 4.  But 2*2abcy = 4zzzz or 5zzzz
=> y = 4 or 5; but neither 2*4 nor 2*5 = 2 mod 10

If d = 3, x=1,2 or 3.  
If x=1, a=> y=7, but 3*1zzz7 < 60000 & cannot start with 7
If x=2, a=> y=4, but 3*2zzz4 > 60000 & cannot start with 4
If x=3, a=> y=1, but 3*3zzz1 > 90000 & cannot start with 1

Thus the only possible d's are 4 and 9.
9*1089 = 9801
4*2178 = 8712

3) yes, not number of digits = 4 or more

You can insert as many 9's as you like in the middle of 1089 or 2178 and
stil have a reverse multiple; e.g.:

9*10999999999989 = 98999999999901
4*21999978 = 87999912

6/15/99: Kirk Bresniker pointed out:
If you allow for a leading and a trailing 0, then you
can find a solution for a ratio of 6:

5604390 / 934065 = 6

Mail to Ken